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nationwide online virus removal service
$80 Online Virus Removal
Complete online virus removal service performed by a professional PC technician. We offer a 100% Guarantee on our On Line Virus Removal Service.

FAQ (Online Virus Removal Questions):

  1. My computer does not finish loading Windows, can you still help?
    If you are still able to load Windows in Safe Mode and surf the web, we can most likely still remove all PC infections from your computer (you can order service and we will help you get to safe mode). To ensure that we are able to help we recommend that you request our virus removal service as soon as you believe your PC to be infected.
  2. Can my PC be beyond repair from virus infections?
    Your computer's operating system can be damaged beyond repair (or basic repair) by a virus. Most virus infections do not try to destroy your OS but they can cause errors and damage vital files. Our virus cleaning is done after infection and we therefore never know how much damage is there until infection is removed. To be sure and keep your PC safe, have us remove virus infections as soon as you believe your PC is infected (don't wait until it's too late).
  3. How long will it take to remove my infections?
    This depends on how many and which infections your PC has, but in general we usually take 2-8hrs. It also depends on how many files your PC has as well, if you have a 300GB hard drive that is full it will take about 1.5 hours to scan for virus and spyware.
  4. Do I have to be in front of my PC all 2-8 hours?
    No, we usually just recommend that you are in the area of the PC in case we need you to re-initiate the support session. While removing infections, we are sometimes kicked off the session and we will need client to re-start session.
  5. Will you fix my Windows Update?
    Yes, if possible we will almost always make sure that your Microsoft Windows Updates is working. This will help to keep you computer infection free in the future.
  6. Will you restore my desktop settings?
    Yes, some virus & spyware infections like to disable your background and tools such as task manager, in our virus removal procedures we reset and remove most to default settings.
  7. How did my PC get infected?
    There are countless ways to get an infection on your PC. Anything from downloading an infected program or file, opening an attachment, clicking on link on an email or visiting an infected web site.
  8. What are the steps to order online virus removal service?
    1. Order virus removal service thru our secure online store. In comment section you can tell us your availability and preference as to when to have your service performed.
    2. Within a few hours we will email & call client with current availability schedule.
    3. If you are unable to download files or visit websites, you will need to download start tools using another PC and transfer this file to infected PC.
    4. Schedule service.
    5. Tech will walk you thru starting support session (a few clicks).
    6. Computer will be professionally cleaned of virus/spyware infections (2-8 hours).